27th GOLDEN PRAGUE, Open International Draughts Tournament. June 3 - 9, 2007
Дата 2007/4/14 23:00:00 | Раздел: Анонсы турниров
| 3 - 9 Июня , 2007 в Чехии будет проходить 27-ой Открытый Международный Турнир по шашкам "Золотая Прага". Ниже положение турнира.
Информацию предоставил Александр Анисько
Open International Draughts Tournament
June 3 - 9, 2007
The 27th Year of this open tournament will be held in Prague in June 2007. The playing room is placed in the center, in "Tyrsuv dum" on the left bank of the Vltava river close to the medieval Charles Bridge, street Ujezd 40/450, Praha 1, entry via Vsehrdova street (backyard).http://www.mapy.cz/#centerX=133040800@centerY=135941152@typ=hybrid@zoom=15@vizType=none@vizIds=none
Programme (preliminary):
Sunday June 3, 2007 15:00 - 21:00 registration and the first round
Weekdays June 4 - June 8, 16:00 - 21:00 rounds 2-6
Saturday June 9, 2007 09:00 - 15:00 round 7 and closing ceremony
The Golden Prague tournament will be played on 7 rounds on the Swiss system, with time control: 80 minutes plus 1 minute for move per each player.
The first price will be 5000 CZK, the start money is 1000 CZK {about 40 EUR}, one half for juniors, international masters, and free for grandmasters.
All expenses connected with participation in the tournament are on account of participant themselves (travelling costs, accommodation and board, start money).
The alterations are still reserved:
Change of the playing room in if need be, the time control 50 moves per 2 hours and 1 hour till the end of game.
There are many pensions or bed and breakfast in Prague. Adjacent districts to Prague 1 are 2, 5, 6. Check concrete address via www.mapy.cz. Hotel pricing starts at 15 EUR per person per night that is 30 EUR per room (single and double room price is almost the same). Double room with own WC and shower in pension for 40 EUR per night or 199 EUR per a week is very good price.
Favorite accommodation server (unfortunately in Czech but intuitively feasible without): www.ubytovani.cz
(163 places in Prague with pricing=ceny, occupied terms online reservation etc., jednoluzkovy =single, dvoj- =double, troj- =3:http://www.ubytovani.cz/index.php?src=result&lng_id=1&country_id=1&district_id=50 ).
Another recommended server in English: www.hostel.cz.
Address for communication:
Lumir Gatnar, Druzstevni 7, 140 00 Praha 4, Czech Republic
E-mail: lumir.gatnar@seznam.cz, damweb@damweb.cz
Visit our webpage: www.damweb.cz