Положение и регламент конкурса Беларусь-2012
Опубликовано destroyer на 26-Feb-2012 15:30 (5706 читает)
Rules and Regulations
Draughts Composition International Concourse (Belarus 2012)
This concourse is organized by Draughts Composition commission of Belarus Draughts Federation
Tasks and targets:
· Recognition of best compositions in the following categories.
· Raise professional level and quality of draughts composers.
· Draughts promotion via composition.
· Raise communications of Belarus draughts composers with composers from other countries.
Concourse rules.
The concourse “Belarus-2012” consists of 3 categories under requirements to draughts composition approved by CPI FMJD for International Draughts – RI.
Category A. Zadachi-100.
Category B. Poliproblems-100.
Category C. Small problems -100.
Definition of categories.
Category A. Free theme.
Category B. Poliproblems should have Kings in the initial setting and two or more compositional variations
in solution. Task: white to move and win.
In the initial setting white or black should have more pieces needed for ending: 5 for white
(mans or kings) or 8 for black (mans or kings).
Must request for Poliproblem – at least one split by variations should occur during black capture
at any stage of solution until before pre-last move. This split should generate at least two different
compositional variations which meet and satisfy requirements to reigning CPI rules and regulations.
If, during solution, position before first split was already published in the past by different author,
the whole composition will get zero evaluation points and will be eliminated even having
different play before split.
Category C. Legal material: 7x8, 7х9, 8x7, 8x8, 8x9, 9x8, 9x9. Free theme, task: white to move and win.
Concourse timeframe:
From May 9, 2012 till May 9, 2013 (day and month of G. Dalidovich death)
Requirements to positions.
- In each category participants can submit up to two positions.
- Problems are eligible to participate in categories “A” and “B” if they are new or were published in the past but do not participate in other concourses except positions with corrected defects which participated in other concourses in the past and were eliminated.
- Problems are eligible to participate in category “C” if they are new or were published not earlier than 2011 and did not participate in other concourses.
Requirements to solutions and submission.
· All positions in each category must be printed separately and include diagram, solution, first and last name of author and mail address.
· All participants must submit their positions no later then on June, 15th 2012 via regular mail to home address of Concourse Coordinator. All positions in addition also can be submitted to him by email, but even in this case all information must be duplicated by submission thru regular mail.
· Coordinator email address: Liahovsky@tut.by
· Coordinator mail address:
English: Liakhovski Aliaksandr, pereulok Mitzkevicha, 5, Jodino, Republik of Belarus, 222164
Russian: Ляховский Александр, переулок Мицкевича, 5, Жодино, Беларусь, 222164.
Judication Committee.
Jury Committee of International Concourse “Belarus-2012” consists of:
- Category “A”: M. Fedorov (Ukraine), Y. Golikov (Russia), A. Rezanko (Belarus).
- Categories “B & C”: V. Bieliauskas (Lithuania), A. Moiseyev (USA), V. Studenсov (Lithuania), I. Ivatsko (Ukraine), P. Shayakhmetov (Russia).
Concourse Coordinator: Aliaksandr Liakhovski (Belarus).
Each composition is evaluated individually and gets rank.
- The final evaluation number in category “A” is counted as average evaluation number of each judge.
- The final evaluation number in categories “B” and “C” is average of all judges without the highest and lowest evaluation.
- Final Concourse standings and results will be published by May 9, 2013
- First three winners in each category are awarded by diplomas and medals. Winners in each category will be awarded by souvenirs.
- Concourse rules and regulations are confirmed and approved by CPI FMJD. According CPI statue, participants (if applicable) will receive an official classification points for International titles.
Announcements regarding start, phases, preliminary and final results of International Concourse “Belarus-2012” will be published on the following websites:
· www.shahski.com (webmaster – A. Kandaurov, Russia),
· http://www.minietiud.forum2x2.ru/ (webmaster M. Lepsic, Croatia),
· http://www.gambler.ru/plus/tavlei/ (TAVLEI)
· http://fmjd.org (FMJD)
· http://belarus.fmjd.org (Belarus Draughts Federation)
· http://planet-ka.2x2forum.com (webmaster P. Shkludov, Belarus)
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Позиции конкурса Беларусь-2012
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